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When You Least Expect It

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Isaiah 18:7

At that time gifts will be brought to the Lord Almighty from a people tall and smooth skin, from a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers – the gifts will be brought to Mount Zion, the place of the name of the Lord Almighty.


Many theologians and historians believe the people being spoken of by the prophet Isaiah in this passage are none other than the people of Egypt. Yes, they had been allied with Judah in an impossible war against the Assyrian king named Sennacherib. Both nations had suffered and lived under fear as he had taunted the people of God. Yet God gave Hezekiah an amazing victory against impossible odds against the Assyrians. Afterward, the Egyptians, it is believed, came and offered gifts to the Lord God Almighty, Judah’s God. Sometimes, “When You Least Expect It,” even a co-belligerent former adversary like Egypt will believe.


In time Judaism spread into the nation of Israel, and after Jesus came as their Messiah, Christianity as well gained a foothold in Egypt. Let’s bring this big story of Egypt giving gifts of thanksgiving to the one true God of the universe down to our situation today. There are people that we feel in our hearts will never ever turn to Jesus. Yet, that is not for us to decide. Our mission is to simply share the good news of Jesus with people everywhere, no matter their position or religious persuasion. People are our heart as Christians, and so everyone becomes our mission. And when we’re faithful to our mission, sometimes, “When You Least Expect It,” someone will come to faith in Christ. That’s why you and I must head into the highways and byways again today and compel them to come in.


Dear Jesus,

This story reminds me this AM that everyone needs the Lord. Not only that, but many are ready to turn to you if we’ll only tell them. Even when I least expect it I know I will see miracles of believing from people I never imagined. Give me strength today to give people the good news. Amen

The post When You Least Expect It appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.