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Think About It

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Matthew 6:27

Can anyone of you, by worrying, add a single hour to your life?


In this section of the Lord’s famous “Sermon On The Mount,” he spoke about this issue of worrying. Jesus never wanted his followers to worry about anything. He believed that if their complete trust was in him, they would be fine because he has all of our best interests in mind. Here he reasoned with the disciples and said, “Can any of you add a single hour to your life by worrying?” If he said this as a question in our day, he could almost add one more line and conclude with, “Think About It!” drop the mic, and walk away.


Jesus’ teachings were couched in calm and simple reasonings. I think Jesus wanted us to hear his words and then walk away and think we thought of it first. He never jammed truth down people’s throats, save for maybe his tirades against the Pharisees. It was always simple reasoning like the woman taken in adultery. He said, “Woman where are your accusers?” She said, “There are none Lord.” Jesus said, “I’m not accusing you either. Go and don’t sin anymore.” Just that simple and clear and smart. That’s the way Jesus presented truth. But I’m sure that when she left him, she went home and “THOUGHT ABOUT IT!” That’s where we miss it sometimes. The busyness of this life and the pressures and the sense that everyone wants something from you can leave you confused. That’s not the way of Jesus. He simply wants you to hear his voice and then, “Think About It!”


Dear Jesus,

When I ponder this passage, I think to myself, “Rich, you need to “Think About It More.” I know that when I really think about what you said and why you said it, I’m at peace. Help me to stay in peace. Amen

The post Think About It appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.