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Don’t Fight It!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Matthew 5:25

Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.


This is a really good common-sense instruction from our Lord. In this great “Sermon On The Mount,” Jesus instructs all of his followers to make peace with the person you have wronged while there’s still time. Don’t stretch it out, and don’t try to appear as though you have done no wrong. Make peace. Get it taken care of before they take you to the judge. In other words, “Don’t Fight It!”


There is in most of us the desire to be right. I’m talking about that inner feeling that you’re on the right side of the moral argument. Yet, sometimes, if we’re being honest, circumstances arise that put us on the wrong end of the argument. It is in those times that Christian humility must override our need for Christian correctness and give in before the situation is beyond our own control and we wind up in court. This is exactly what Jesus was promoting in this passage of scripture. One of the greatest opportunities lies in our willingness to admit our mistake and even take it on the chin if need be in order for the situation not to reach a boiling level. If Jesus were here right now, he’d say to you and me, “Don’t Fight It!”


Dear Jesus,

My personal moral compass hates to have to admit I was wrong. Even more so, say, “I am sorry will you forgive me.” However, today as I read and reread this passage of scripture, I know it’s your will for the humbleness of heart to prevail in interpersonal disagreements. Help me, Jesus, to just walk away. With your help, I will. Amen


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