S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
John 8:44b
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Jesus speaks of Satan. No one knew the character of the devil better than Jesus. As you read already, Jesus said that lies or lying is, in fact, from the devil himself, who is the “father of lies.” But what’s most captivating about this passage is that Jesus said lying is, “The Devil’s Native Language!”
Think about this with me. When people ask, “Do you speak Chinese?”, immediately the response is, “Are you talking about Mandarin or Cantonese?” Others would ask if you spoke one of the African languages, to which some would answer, “Which nation in Africa are you asking about, and what tribe do they represent, and what dialect is spoken in that tribe?” What are these questions about? The one asking is trying to figure out which is the person’s NATIVE LANGUAGE? A person may speak several languages and/or dialects, but the NATIVE LANGUAGE is the language they speak when they’re home with family. It’s their first language. “The Devil’s Native Language” has always been the language of lying. He’s the “father of lies.” It’s his first language.
Dear Jesus,
I’m asking you this AM to keep me separated, divided, and distant from the devil. I do not want, in any way, to learn the language of hell he represents. He is the chief of liars, and right now, I want nothing to do with him. I want my native language to be LOVE, but I need your help to be that person. Amen
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