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No In Between!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


John 9:16

Some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.” But others asked, “How can a sinner perform such signs?” So they were divided.


When Jesus healed the blind man on the Sabbath, there was a division among those who knew about it. Some of the Pharisees said, “How in the world can this man be of God? He healed the man of blindness on the Sabbath.” This showed how much more the Pharisees were into keeping the law than they cared about people. But then those who had no religious authority said, “Right, but doesn’t the simple fact that he cured a man of blindness mean he’s of God?” When it comes to Jesus, you’re either all in or all out! There’s “No In Between” when it comes to serving Jesus!


How is your life with Jesus? Is He your motivating force in life? Does His kingdom envelope your thoughts and daily actions? Do you wake up asking yourself, “How can I make today’s activities all about Jesus?” I guess what I’m asking is, “Can you kinda live in the middle when it comes to your faith?” I’m asking myself these questions this AM, and to be honest I just don’t think there’s any way I can live in the middle when it comes to my relationship with Jesus. One foot on the dock and one in the boat eventually turns into a self-inflicted wound. That’s what life in the middle for the believer becomes as well. Our relationship with Jesus must be ALL IN! There can be “No In Between!”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I am not in any way like the Pharisees who wondered if You were from hell because You healed a man of blindness on the Sabbath. No! In fact, I can leave my religious laws in the dust when it comes to You working miracles in people’s lives. You can do it today or any other day! What I want to do is to get ALL IN the boat with You! I don’t concern myself with matters that question Your authority being enacted on any day of the week You choose! Amen

The post No In Between! appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.