S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
Judges 20:39b
The Benjamites had begun to inflict casualties on the Israelites (about thirty), and they said, “We are defeating them as in the first battle.”
An absolutely horrible sin had taken place at the hands of the Benjamites. This sin had to be avenged, so the other tribes met together, and it was determined that Judah’s tribe would go up against the tribe of Benjamin. After that, the whole people of Israel would go up against Benjamin if need be. In both cases, Israel was soundly defeated. On the third day, God gave them a plan. As they followed the Lord’s plan, the fighting began. Immediately, thirty of the people of Israel were cut down. Right away, the people of Benjamin said, “This will be like the other times.” But Israel had tricked them, and on that day, the people of Israel annihilated the tribe of Benjamin.
The truth is the Benjamites had sinned, and in sinning, they had left the need for prayer behind them. Somehow, they were deceived by the enemy that one little tribe of Israel could defeat all of the other tribes of Israel. Each time Israel suffered defeat at the hands of their brother, they turned and wept before the Lord and asked, “What shall we do?” The Lord gave them direction, but the tribe of Benjamin, with its arrogance as a guide, made no changes. They assumed they had beaten Israel twice and would do it again. But during the third attack, Israel destroyed Benjamin. “The Arrogance Of Sin” is what finished Benjamin. When men and women even today walk in arrogance, in time, they will be brought low. You and I have God’s Word as our standard. May we never yield to “The Arrogance Of Sin.”
Dear Jesus,
This AM, I yield to Your Word and Your ways. I want nothing to do with the enemy, even the devil. With Your word as my standard, I will, with Your help, turn to You in every situation I face. With Your help, I will never yield to “The Arrogance Of Sin.” Amen
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