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Stop Crying About It, And Start Doing Something About It!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


2 Samuel 13:39

And king David longed to go to Absolom, for he was consoled concerning Amnon’s death.


Absolom had killed his half-brother Amnon for raping his ( Absolom’s) sister Tamar, Amnon’s half-sister. King David never did anything in the way of punishment towards Amnon, and so after a long period of time, Absolom killed his brother. This caused David to cry and cry over the loss of his rapist son Amnon. Absolom fled to another city to live with his grandfather on his mother’s side. Here the Bible says that David longed to go and see Absolom because he was finally over Amnon’s death. But he didn’t go. My thought concerning his present peril would have been and still is now, “Stop Crying About It, And Start Doing Something About It!”


This is one of the strangest stories in all of the Bible. After this part of the saga happened, Joab, David’s top general, sent a woman in disguise to act as a prophet to the King in order to have him bring his son Absolom back to Jerusalem. David knew it was Joab behind it all and sent for Absolom. Once Absolom returned home, he wanted to meet with his father and explain it all, but David refused to see him. The young man became so irate that he split his father’s kingdom, and Joab killed him. What did David do? Once again, he cried about it. All of this could have been avoided if King David would have stopped being the king in his home and instead operated as a father. Today if you’ve been crying about some mess you’re in, “Stop Crying About It, And Do Something About It!”


Dear Jesus,

I’m asking this AM that you would help me use the brain you’ve given me in order to stop crying about stuff and start doing something to erase some of my challenges. I don’t want to be a baby, seeing how I’m a full-grown man. Amen

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