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Sometimes Love Hurts

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Acts 21:1a

After we had torn ourselves away from them, we put out to sea and sailed straight to Kos.


First of all, Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! The Super Bowl usually doesn’t fall the day before Valentine’s, but it did this year. Back to what’s important. On this day, we always think of love and in particular marital love. Yet this passage tells of a love between the Pastor/Apostle Paul with his congregation in Ephesus. He told them that he was headed to Jerusalem and would not see them again. On the day he left by ship, Paul said, “We had to tear ourselves away from the people of the church at Ephesus.” The sorrow felt in that moment was palpable.


“Sometimes Love Hurts.” I know because I’ve experienced that truth in my own life and I’m almost certain you have as well. Whether it’s lost love between a husband and wife, the death of a friend or family member, or maybe even a sudden move that forced you to leave those you grew up with, it’s true that “Sometimes Love Hurts.” Here, the man of God, Paul, who had founded the church at Ephesus was leaving his friends and would not see them again on this side of heaven. It was so touching that Paul said they had to tear themselves away. In time, the deepest of sorrows can heal, but the memories will never go away. Make sure you tell someone today that you love them. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I want to tell You that I love You. I have told my wife today and will speak to my children and say the same, but most of all, Lord, I love You. You are the one who redeemed me from the pull of hell and today I am free. Amen

The post Sometimes Love Hurts appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.