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Sometimes It’s Only You And God!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Job 27:6
I will maintain my innocence and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live.


These are some of Job’s final words to his friends. No matter what his friends had accused him of, right here, Job affirmed that he would never say he had earned the severity of trouble that had been imposed upon him. He maintained his innocence through it all and said he would continue to do so. What’s amazing about this statement is that from the beginning, God had agreed with Job. God told the devil in Job 1:8, “There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”


It is true that all of us will be falsely accused at one time or another, yet, no matter what the world puts on us, it’s also true that “Sometimes It’s Just You And God!” That’s right! When you’re hoping that your friends will speak up for you, and they don’t, you’ll remember that “Sometimes It’s Just You And God!” When you thought your own family would plead your case and they didn’t, you’ll remember the other times they failed you as well, but in your heart of hearts, you’ll know that “Sometimes It’s Just You And God!” And when you consider that thought, God really is all you need. And in the end, he took care of Job like Job could never have imagined. He’ll do the same for you.


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I am affirming in my heart before you that YOU ARE my sole source of supply in every category of my life. I am all yours. I trust you with all that is writhing me! Amen

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