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Prayer Is The Believers Real Consolation

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Acts 20:36
When Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed.


In this passage, Paul and his associates passed through Ephesus for the last time to say goodbye to the elders there. It was a sad occasion because they knew they would never see this great man of God again. In fact, the very next verse says they wept as they said goodbye. But before that, this passage tells us that Paul had them kneel and pray together. It reminded me of so many times in my life when I’ve knelt to pray with people in the midst of their challenges. Truly, “Prayer Is The Believers Real Consolation.”


I’m sure there are many that would say they know beyond a doubt that in times of desperate need, one needs a wise counselor. Others would say that sometimes a person in distress just needs a good vacation. Still, others will say, “You just gotta wait it out by yourself till the pain passes.” But, for the true believer in Jesus, prayer is always the way. Prayer assures you that you are not in this alone. Prayer is being able to communicate with your Creator when your best earthly friend isn’t good enough. Prayer also gets a response. God actually answers our prayers. That’s why Paul knelt with the elders to pray that day. That’s we should kneel and pray anytime there’s a challenge we can’t handle alone. Like I said, “Prayer Is The Believers Real Consolation.”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I’m so grateful that I can start my day in prayer. Whether I’m with a hundred people or no people today, I’m always with you, and you’re with me. I’m never alone. Thank you that I can call any minute of the day, and you always pick up! Amen

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