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No Longer Useless

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Ezekiel 15:5
If it was not useless for anything when it was whole, how much less can it be made into something useful when the fire has burned it and it is charred?


Here God likened Israel to a useless vine. He said the wood prior to being burned in the fire was useless, and so how is it that after it has been burned on either end and charred in the middle because of the fire, can it be useful? “It’s Still Useless.” The Lord spoke through Ezekiel and said, Even though Israel has been through the fire and come out alive I will still punish her. She was useless before the fire and “She’s Still Useless.”


It’s my birthday today and I hate to have to deliver bad news, but the truth is, some of us never learn. How many folks do you know that just keep making the same mistakes over and over again? That was the story of Israel at this time in history. There came a point in her journey as a people where there was just no more repentance or change in her as a nation. She was useless before and now even after all the fire experiences that she had gone through and come out alive. “She Was Still Useless.” The Lord called Israel out in this passage and perhaps He’s calling us out today. I know there was a time in my life when I wasn’t worth much. I wasted precious days living for myself. Yet, because of the grace of the Lord in my life, I’m, “No Longer Useless.” What about you today? Do you have a message to share, or are you still in a mess? God longs to bring you through the fire, still alive and help you to know that you too can be, “No Longer Useless!”


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for another birthday. Thank you that I have life abundantly and that I’m “No Longer Useless!” I’m praying for my friend right now. Help them to believe that they don’t have to waste one more day. In fact, even today, they can make a fresh start! Amen

The post No Longer Useless appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.