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My Huge Desire

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


1 Chronicles 16:31

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The Lord reigns!”


This is part of the song David’s choir sang before the Ark of God as they ministered before the Ark unto the Lord. In this passage, the choir sang, “Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, ‘The Lord Reigns!”


This statement in Psalm is, “My Huge Desire.” What else is there but for the creation of God’s handiwork to be rejoicing and the peoples of the earth to be glad and say, “The Lord Reigns!” This is “My Huge Desire!” I have been in so many group prayer meetings through my history here in Miami and around the world. When I say “so many,” I’m speaking of hundreds of prayer meetings through the years coupled with my own alone times in prayer. But I believe the church is right around the corner for this praise of David to happen again! I want to be so saturated with the power and presence of God Almighty. God wants us to experience his presence and his power like we’ve never experienced it before. Are you ready? I am! It’s “My Huge Desire!”


Dear Jesus:

Whatever you want from me, I’m ready to say yes to. I want a move of God in my city and in our church. But most of all God I want to be saturated from head to toe, with your power and your presence! I’m here, Lord. I’m ready. Amen

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