S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
Malachi 1:14
“Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord. For I am a great king,” says the Lord Almighty, “and my name is to be feared among the nations.
In the Old Testament, God demanded from his chosen people, the Israelites, a number of different offerings. In fact, the offerings were part of one’s commitment to God under the law. One of the offerings demanded a perfect animal be sacrificed to the Lord. But in this case, Israel had become half-hearted in their commitment to the Lord. They were now bringing a blemished second-class offering to their Maker, and he said that they were cursed because they knew better. He said this was because those who cheat are the ones that have the perfect sacrifice in their flock but choose instead to offer God second class.
It is true that we are now, as a fellowship of Christian believers, no longer under the Old Covenant but rather under the New Testament mantle of Grace. Yet I wonder today how many times you and I have failed to bring our best to the Lord with the idea, “Well at least I gave something.” Every time we give God our best, we stand on top of the currency of this world and refuse to let money be our God. When we give our best to the Lord, we are, in fact, saying, “Jesus you are my Lord. You are my God and Savior and I acknowledge that you alone will provide for me.” When that is our approach to living in this New Testament age of grace, God supernaturally provides for us his people, and the curse never comes near us. If you have been living below what you thought were God’s promises to you, “Make Sure You Break The Curse!”
Dear Jesus,
This AM, I want to reaffirm that you are my God, and besides you, there is none other. I want you to know that you are first in my life, and the curse is broken. I stand on top of the earthly mammon this AM and raise my hands in praise to my one and only true and wise God! Amen
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