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I’m Pretty Sure, They’re Doing It Too

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Romans 2:1

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself because you who pass judgment do the same things.


St Paul was speaking to the early church but what he says here is true for any Christian church at any time in the history of the church. Paul said whenever you see or hear a person judging someone else for a certain perceived wrong, you can rest assured they’re guilty of the very thing they’re passing judgment on.


Face it, the man who’s always talking about other people’s sex sins is usually covering up something he’s got going in his back closet. The treasurer of the board of directors, whose always harping about the fact that there’s so much misappropriation of funds in the corporate world, is probably
cooking the books of the corporation he’s handling the funds for. What about the boss who’s always preaching forgiveness to her employees, but she’s fired her three best Vice-Presidents for mistakes she insisted were on purpose. Even though they apologized and begged forgiveness? You can probably think of ten more examples, but all I want to say is what the Apostle said. If someone is constantly judging others for certain wrongdoing, “I’m Pretty Sure, They’re Doing It Too!”


Dear Jesus,

This is a tough thing that the Apostle Paul said. However, I’ve lived long enough to see it happen over and over again. Help me be firm in my convictions but choose love and forgiveness over judgment. Amen

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