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If You’re In Trouble

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Psalm 69:17

Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble.


I’m not quite sure what kind of trouble David was in when this verse was written. However, this was a cry from David’s heart that he often uttered in his darkest hours before the Lord. He acknowledged earlier that he had made mistakes and was being mocked by his people. Yet, in his time of trouble, he reminded God that he (David) was God’s servant and asked God to please get him out of the mess he was in.


“If You’re In Trouble,” I would encourage you to do what David did. He turned toward the Lord in his hour of need. He didn’t consult twenty different people. If he had done so earlier, there is no indication of that. And if he did, it hadn’t worked. He, instead, cried out to God! That should always be our first move in times of trouble. Next, David acknowledged that he was not the king; he acknowledged that God was the king of him. He said, “I am your servant.” Anytime we approach the Lord, whether in good times or not so good times, we must approach Him as His servant. Finally, David praised God after begging the Lord for help. As if to say, “No matter how you respond to my urgent plea, I’ll always praise YOU!” There you have it. “If You’re In Trouble,” turn to God and cry out to Him FIRST. Second, make sure you approach Him as His servant. Last, praise the Lord no matter what!


Dear Jesus,

This morning, I’m blessed to say that I don’t feel as though I’m in trouble right now. However, I’ll do today what I’d do if I were. First, I’m crying to You as my source of help. Second, I am and always will be Your servant. Finally, I’ll praise in the good times and the bad times. Only You are worthy of my praise! Amen

The post If You’re In Trouble appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.