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I Always Have Jesus

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Job 16:19

Even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high.


Throughout Job’s terrible ordeal, his three friends who were supposed to be comforting him instead philosophized much of Job’s condition. When Eliphaz accused him of religious hypocrisy, Job said, “My life’s record is in heaven, and I’ll Always Have Jesus.”


Our heavenly advocate, or lawyer, is our elder brother Jesus Christ. None of us have lived a perfect life, but the Lord is always looking at our heart. David, though an adulterer and murderer, was called by God, “A man after my own heart.” Job was saying all of you can accuse me all day long, but my heart records, my motives, my agenda, all lie in heaven above. In other words, God alone knows my heart. And, “I’ll Always Have Jesus.” Thankfully you and I can respond the same way today when falsely accused.


Dear Jesus,

I certainly haven’t faced what Job faced, yet I’m thankful today that when I am falsely accused, “I’ll Always Have YOU!” Amen