S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
John 19:11a
Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.”
Pilate had just threatened Jesus with his demonstrative way of trying to show Jesus that he could have Him killed. Jesus let him know any power he had came from HIS Father in heaven.
In my life, I’ve had the privilege of traveling over 3 million air miles! The Lord has blessed me by allowing me to meet so many wonderful and not so wonderful folks. I say “not so wonderful” because it’s usually those people who really believe they are SELF MADE. However, every “Self Made” man or woman is living by the authority of an all powerful, all knowing, and all everywhere God who allows them the air they breathe each day. The enemy of our souls loves to tempt us with ridiculous thoughts such as, “I did this!” The truth is King David had it right when he said to the Lord above, “Who is man that You even consider us?” (my paraphrase). Truly any blessing, victory, accomplishment, or accumulation of wealth any of us has ever achieved is a result of our loving Father above. Please … “Don’t Forget Where It Comes From.”
Dear Jesus,
I’m convinced, I know, I won’t forget, You’re the ONE who makes it happen for me and mine! Amen