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Climate Change

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Psalm 119:90

Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures.


The Psalmist addresses the Lord and tells Him that His faithfulness has always endured for time and eternity and that the earth, which the Lord established, continues from the beginning of time until now. When a follower of Jesus like myself reads this, some of us think about “Climate Change.”


I’m pretty sure that you’re like me when I say, “Wow, I wish I could be as faithful as our great God is!” Some Christians balk at the idea that you and I can somehow change the climate partly because of this verse. In other words, this passage says that what God has set in order has endured. It also leads one to believe that what God has made to endure in the past He will cause to make endure in the future. Nowhere does it say that God is going to need humans to set it back in order because He never thought in any way that humans could alter it. NO! God, from the beginning of time, knew the beginning from the ending and yet caused the earth He created to endure. Does this mean Christians shouldn’t be concerned about climate change? I don’t think it does. What God said was good when He created it is a mandate for you and me to keep it good until He returns. But He doesn’t need my help. I need His help when it comes to “Climate Change.”


Dear Jesus,

On this beautiful morning, I’m reminded that nothing is too difficult for You. I’m also reminded that you will make a new heaven and a new earth one day. That’s right. You will. I won’t! I’m thankful for that. Amen

The post Climate Change appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.