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Are You Obeying His Command?

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Psalm 134:2
Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord.


These were instructions given by the Lord through the Psalmist as to how to operate in the temple, especially during the night hours. Yet, I feel as though this is a general word to all of us in this modern day as to how to approach the Lord, especially in the house of the Lord, but even in our own living spaces. It is to raise our hands in surrender and utmost praise unto our great and Holy God. Furthermore, this is a command and not a suggestion.


Let’s just stick with weekend worship in church. I’ll ask some questions first. Do you attend regularly? Is it a chore? If your answers were yes and no, then the final question would be, “Are You Obeying His Command?” Many people go to church and look forward to going, yet once in the door, the reason and purpose for one’s attendance end right there. All of a sudden, it becomes about who else is there. Or, I hope the pastor notices I came. Or, what will the creative moment be today, or will there be a creative moment, or will it be the same as last week? NONE of those thoughts are the reason for our attendance in God’s house. The main reason and purpose of church attendance are to acknowledge his place in our lives corporately. It says we believers are in this together. And the lifting of our hands in worship to God each week tells our great God that “I’m not in charge of me, only YOU ARE!” So “Are You Obeying His Command?”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I am reminded that I raise my hand in the sanctuary and here in my own living space to say once again, “You Are The Lord Of Me!” That’s right! I care not what others may think! I am yours! Amen

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