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A Prayer For Believers Everywhere

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Jude 1:2

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.


The Apostle Jude wrote this brief letter to believers everywhere. He opened the letter with a wonderful, encouraging prayer that mercy, peace, and love would be ours in abundant fashion!


When we pray for other believers, what do we pray for? Often if we’re not careful, we pray for things in their lives that would benefit us. Or we pray for them to get over things that we see as weakness or lack. Jude would have none of that. Way before he warned believers what to watch out for in this short letter, he, first of all, prayed that they and we would first of all receive mercy, peace, and love, in abundance, from our loving Heavenly Father. What the reader gets is that Jude wanted our highest good, most of all. And isn’t that what real Christian love is all about? Isn’t love to decide for the absolute best for your fellow Jesus follower? My father-in-law used to say, “People don’t want to hear they’re in jeopardy of hell, they want to hear how to live till next Thursday!” Love wills the highest good for one’s friend, and it also assists that friend along the way. Jude’s prayer will help you know how to start your prayers each day because it’s “A Prayer For All Believers.”



Dear Jesus,

This AM I’m including a prayer for all my fellow “Jesus Followers.” I want them to experience mercy, peace, and love in abundance. Amen

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