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A Place To Make It Right

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Deuteronomy 27:6

Build the altar of the Lord your God with fieldstones and offer burnt offerings on it to the Lord your God


This was Moses’ command to the people of Israel. Upon crossing the Jordon river in their pursuit of the Promised Land, they would build an altar at Mount Ebal to offer sacrifices for their sins.


Joshua fulfilled this command by Moses in Joshua 8:30-35. Half of Israel’s people sat on Mount Ebal, and the other half of Israel sat on Mount Gerizim. There, in the valley between the two mountains, Joshua built the altar at Ebal. It was there that Joshua read the curses and the blessings Moses had prophesied if the people rebelled and when they obeyed. This all transpired after the battle of “AI.” They were approximately 40 miles north of Jerusalem. The altar of Ebal became known as the Mount of curses, and Mount Gerizim became known as the place of blessing. The power of the altar at Mount Ebal was that God’s people knew it as “A Place To Make Things Right.” That’s what altars were often about in the Old Testament. When Jesus came and laid His life down for our sins, He made it so we can now make an altar anyplace and at any time and call upon the name of the Lord. He will forgive. Today there’s always “A Place To Make Things Right.”


Dear Jesus,

I’m grateful that I don’t have to go to the Altar at Mount Ebal in the Middle East to have my sins atoned for. I’m grateful that You paid the price for my sins over two thousand years ago. I’ll always have “A Place To Make Things Right” because of You. Amen

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