S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
1 Timothy 4:8
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding a promise for both the present life and the life to come.
St. Paul reminded the younger man, Timothy, that “You Should Exercise, BUT” godliness is of value in this present life and the life to come. In other words, the Apostle believed there were more important things than this temporal body we live in.
When I read this passage of scripture, I’m always aware of the time in which St. Paul was writing. There was no easy life unless you were part of the royal family or, for some reason, had been born into wealth. The average man and woman walked everywhere they traveled. The idea that the masses of people were overweight and out of shape, much like my country is today, just wasn’t the case. Paul did say that you need to take care of your physical temple, yet to be godly is far more important. To be godly means that we put Jesus first, today and every day. When we do this, it helps us be more successful in this life and the life to come. I’m all for exercise and staying in shape, and our bodies are indeed the house that the Holy Spirit lives in, so yes, “You Should Exercise, BUT!”
Dear Jesus,
Please help me mind the temple I carry around, known as my body, which Your Spirit dwells in. Yet, I need you to help me be the man of God You desire me to be. Yes, I will work to stay in shape, but I know Your desire is for me to be godly! That’s my desire as well. Amen
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