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You Have The Right

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


John 1:12
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.


I love these words of John the Beloved. Of course, John was one of the three closest friends of Jesus and certainly knew him like few did while he walked this earth. Here John tells us a bit earlier that Jesus had come for his own, the Jewish people. But, they rejected him. He then said, “But to those who received him he gave them the right, to become children of God.” When it comes to being a child of God, “You Have The Right,” if you’ll simply believe in his name.


I have lived long enough to watch a new believer come into the family of God by simply believing on the name of Jesus. Then I’ve watched some Christians reject that person because that person, in their opinion, hasn’t paid a big enough price to follow the Lord. Yet, no price is required by God for a man or a woman to become a member of the family of God, except to simply believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, “You Have The Right,” no matter what anyone wants to put on you. If someone says, you have to jump through these three or twenty-three religious hoops, walk away from that nonsense because “You Have A Right,” to be a part of the family of God by believing on his name. Why? Because Jesus already paid the price for yours and my redemption. Hallelujah!!


Dear Jesus,

I rarely talk about rights because I’m your servant no matter what. But when John the Beloved, one of your best friends when you walked the earth together, says that I have a right to full fellowship with you when I believe on your name, then I’m going to talk about it! Thank you, my Lord, for giving your everything to buy my salvation! Amen

The post You Have The Right appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.

Greg Ward, Attorney

The Ward Law Group

The Ward Law Group was founded by attorneys Gregory Ward and Jany Martinez-Ward with a goal to contribute to the Hispanic community’s legal needs after suffering a car accident. Their passion shows in their work as they ensure that each case settles for the maximum compensation possible, and in supporting represented victims as they recover from physical injuries and financial losses.

As an experienced attorney who once represented insurance companies, Gregory Ward has a deep understanding of how they operate and what aspects can create or diminish the value of the cases he represents. This knowledge has led him to become a gifted negotiator and litigator defending the rights of his clients residing in the Miami Lakes, Miami, Orlando, and Kissimmee areas.