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When The Storm Hits

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Psalm 107:29
He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.


Five different times in this chapter the Psalmist tells us that Israel had problems beyond their ability to cope. Usually, they cried to God and God would make a way but a couple of times God made a way even when they couldn’t seem to cry out. On this one occasion, they were in such a storm and the waves were crashing so that those on board looked like drunken sailors because they could not hold their position on board the ship. It was at this point that they cried out to God and the word says, the storm was now no louder than a whisper and the waves were silenced entirely. Wow! What a God we serve!


The Psalmist said that “When The Storm Hits,” the best thing you can do is cry out to your God who loves you. Whatever kind of storm you may be facing cry out to God first. What storms are out there right now? The storms of hate are raging. Cry out to God for his love to prevail. The storms of family mayhem are everywhere. Cry out to God to drive the craziness away and return a sense of real love in your family. The storms of financial impossibilities are in a tumultuous mess right now. Cry out to God to open the floodgates of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you shall not be able to contain that blessing! The storms of addiction have chained millions in our society. If it has chained you up, cry out to God to break the chains of bondage. I promise you my brother, my sister. “When The Storm Hits,” cry out to our blessed savior. He will hear and answer your cry!


Dear Jesus,

I’m here this morning and I’m crying out to you for my friend who’s hearing this devotional right now. Oh Lord please hear my prayer on their behalf. I ask right now that you would stretch forth your loving hand and make the raging sea shut up in Jesus Name. Amen

The post When The Storm Hits appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.