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You Can’t Build A Box Big Enough

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Acts 7:48a

However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands.


Stephen was one of the first seven deacons chosen by the apostles to help them in the affairs of the church. Stephen developed an unusual hunger for the power of the Holy Spirit, and God used him in remarkable ways. For this, the leaders of the Synagogue in Jerusalem accused him of blasphemy. They brought him before the high priest to answer these charges, and as the priest came to the end of his speech, he said, “King Solomon had built God a house for him to dwell in.” Stephen said, “You Can’t Build A Box Big Enough” for God to live in.


When Stephen finished his scathing rebuke of the Jewish leaders for killing Jesus, they stoned him to death. Nothing Stephen said was untrue. However, the religious leaders who heard the speech were stricken with guilt. But let’s get back to Stephen’s words concerning places of worship. It’s true that the writer of Hebrews told us that we must not forsake assembling for worship. But in the modern church world, the temples we build, at times, would appear to rival the temple Solomon built for God to stay in. Yet anything humans would build to house God must be called a box and not a heavenly creation. We cannot fathom the greatness of our God. These earthly BOXES called churches can’t hold or house our God. In fact, “You Can’t Build A Box Big Enough.”


Dear Jesus,

I’ll never attempt to build a place big enough for You to live in here on earth. But I’m blessed that You desire to dwell within the hearts of men and women. For me, that’s my goal. Just live within me. I need you to always be with me. Amen


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