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When You Have A Word From God

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Genesis 46:3

I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.


Israel (Jacob) had gotten the word from his sons that his son Joseph was indeed alive in Egypt and the head of the land under Pharaoh. So by faith, Israel set out with his sons and all of his family, seventy in all, to go to Egypt. Then after he had set out towards Egypt, one night, God spoke to him in a vision and told him to go in confidence to Egypt because he, the Lord, would make him into a great nation.


Jacob was old, and the trip to Egypt was difficult, but he had decided to go in faith. Once he moved from his home towards Egypt, God spoke to him and gave him a direct Word From Heaven! No mention of fear is discussed again on Jacob’s part. You may be reading this right now, and you’ve felt an urge to move forward in a certain direction. It’s not bad where you are, but you don’t feel complete. This is usually known as the stirring in one’s soul before the word of the Lord comes to you. All of that had been happening in the old man Jacob’s life before this word came to him. He was hesitant but hopeful. Once he stepped out in faith, he prayed to God one night, and God gave him a direct Word From Heaven! Like I said, there was no mention of fear in the old man’s life after that. Perhaps it’s time for you to get alone with God in prayer. Everything changes “When You Have A Word From God!”


Dear Jesus,

I know I’m right where you want me, but I can recall times in my life when I was “Hesitant But Hopeful!” Each time I sought your will, you spoke to me. I learned then that “Everything Changes When You Have A Word From God.” Amen

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