S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
2 Chronicles 30:26
There was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the days of Solomon son of David king of Israel there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem.
King Hezekiah was the reason for all the rejoicing in Jerusalem at this point in history. He was the son of a godless king, yet he found the Lord and loved Him. On this occasion, Hezekiah had called for the reinstitution of the Feast of the Passover. It had been some 225 years since the people of Judaea or the northern tribes celebrated this feast. When it was brought back by Hezekiah, the joy of the Lord fell upon the people of Israel in such a way that it felt like heaven. That’s what happens “When REVIVAL Comes.”
So often through the years, I’ve heard Christians question the need for true heaven-sent revival. I’ve even heard them say, “I don’t want to go back to that holiness approach where everything is a sin.” I always shake my head when I hear that. The reason I say that is because I believe people are tired of sin. I believe that people are worn out from asking, “Is that all there is?” I believe that people are truly looking for the authentic. I’ve had the blessing of being in some real heaven-sent revivals in my life that weren’t expected. I can count them probably on one hand, and they weren’t nationwide, and they didn’t even rock a state. But locally, they were undeniable, and in each case, there resulted an amazing JOY in the hearts of the people. It didn’t feel religious, and it didn’t feel like a forced way of living. It felt euphoric and like God had everything under control in all of our lives. So instead of me talking about it, why don’t you answer the question, “What am I hoping will happen When REVIVAL Comes.”
Dear Jesus,
In my life, whenever I experienced a revival sent from heaven, I never doubted YOU again. By that, I mean I’ve always known that You have everything under control. Amen
The post When REVIVAL Comes appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.