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What Are YOU Waiting For?

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Lamentations 3:24
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”


It was God who said to Abraham in Numbers 18:20- “I am your portion and your inheritance.” Here Jeremiah reminds himself of that promise from the Lord. We all need a portion in life that is a blessing, something to hope for and look forward to. Jeremiah in the middle of his lament stopped and said, “The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for him.” So the question is, “What Are YOU Waiting For?”


Jeremiah certainly had a reason to express his sorrows. He was always known as the weeping prophet. He saw what was happening to his wayward nation and knew that they would move into and be in exile for many years. Yet he was unable to get the attention of his people. They had turned their backs on God and would not listen to the prophet of the Lord. He was right, but it mattered little because they were on a path of no return and refused to listen. Consequently, Jeremiah had to remind himself that at the end of the day, he had answered the call of the Lord as a young man. He knew what the call meant and what his ministry would be when he accepted it. So once rejected, he said, My hope is in the Lord. I have no one else. I will wait for him. He is my portion. So this AM, “What Are YOU Waiting For?”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, all of my hope is in you. I have no other recourse. Many years ago, I read the call of Jeremiah and accepted it as my own. Yes, there have been joys in my life and many sorrows as well. But, once again, today, I am reminding myself that, since my hope is in you, I will WAIT for you. Amen

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