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What A Prophecy

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!



Zechariah 13:1
On that day, a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to cleanse them from sin and impurity.


This was the prophecy of Zechariah concerning the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. This prophecy took place some four hundred years before Jesus came and ministered on earth and then was crucified and resurrected for our sins. “What A Prophecy” it was. Jesus spoke of Zechariah being murdered by religious leaders in the courtyard of the temple in Matthew 23. So Zechariah prophesied Jesus being the cleansing for the sins of Israel and all people of earth four-hundred or so years before it happened, and Jesus spoke of the Old Testament prophet and how he had died!


You can’t make this stuff up! The prophecies of Jesus coming to earth in the Old Testament are numerous. And they are given by a number of different prophets. The consistency of scripture is not only compelling, but it is the standard by which we find peace and solace in such troubled times. When I read Zechariah’s word here in the thirteenth chapter, I always think, “What A Prophecy!” But to be honest, that’s the same thing I think with each for-telling of Jesus’ coming in the Old Testament, by all of the different prophets God used. Don’t ever give up on your faith. What you and I believe about Jesus and the bright future is given in God’s word to all believers; truly, he is the way, the truth, and the life! “What A Prophecy!”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I’m in awe of you! I never cease to be amazed as I read your Word and the many ways you encourage your people to never give up. I am not an accident. Everything about me screams there is a God who loves me. Thank you, that you have a plan for my friend and me. Amen

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