S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
Luke 8:53
They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead.
Jairus was the synagogue leader. He came to Jesus for help. The associate he brought with him said, “Jairus, your daughter is dead, let’s don’t bother the teacher.” But when Jesus heard that, he looked at Jairus and said, “Don’t be afraid, just believe, and she will be healed.” When Jesus got to Jairus’ house, people were crying, and Jesus said, “Stop crying, she isn’t dead she’s just sleeping!” At that point, people started laughing at Jesus because they were sure she was dead.
The people were laughing because of what they thought they knew. They didn’t know they were dealing with God and that God had just spoken. That being said, how many times have you and I laughed at something we didn’t know the whole truth about? We thought we knew the whole story, but we really didn’t. And what about the fact that sometimes God makes a statement through a friend or family member, and we laugh? But when we laughed, we didn’t know God was using that person to help us. I can tell you this, the older I get, the more I tend to withhold judgment until I learn more. The times I’ve almost laughed but held back, I learned something a bit later that altered everything I thought I knew. That’s why I say this AM, “Watch Out Who You Laugh At!”
Dear Jesus,
Teach my friend and me today to wait before we laugh. Help us gather more information before we make quick decisions. Amen
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