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The Word Of God Always Pays Off

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Isaiah 55:11

So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.


Isaiah lets us know that no word of the Lord is fruitless, ever! Whether we’re speaking Jesus, also known as the Word of God, or the Word originated by God coming down from heaven into the hearts of men, it matters not. No Word of God shall ever be dispensed by these means and return empty-handed. It never comes back void of fruit. Because “The Word of God Always Pays Off!”


Whatever you have heard that may be negative about the Word of God, remember it is the Living Word of God. It’s not just a book written on paper. It’s not just bound by leather or paper-back. NO! It’s LIVING. That’s why you can read the same passage one hundred different times, and every time you do, a new revelation will come to you. You can find intrigue in this book. You can also be ready to give a wonderful testimony each time you read it, and every testimony will be new and fresh. That’s what is meant by the Word of God being the Living Word. Because it is, it always returns to the Lord, bearing precious fruit in the form of new followers based on the information proclaimed within. That’s why “The Word Of God Always Pays Off!”


Dear Jesus,

This AM’s reading of this passage in Isaiah has truly refreshed me. I’ve proved this verse for over 50 years of ministry. In my life, I’ve never seen the word of God fail to deliver. Thank you, Lord, for Your LIVING WORD! Amen

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