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The Sword Of The Lord

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Jeremiah 47:6
Alas, sword of the Lord, how long till you rest? Return to your sheath; cease and be still.’


Take out an ancient map of Israel and read this chapter again. It seems as if God is wielding his sword against each one of Israel’s ten foes at that time in history. Picture God standing in the middle of tiny Israel and turning three hundred and sixty degrees in a circle with his sword drawn to ward off Israel’s enemies. Jeremiah knows them all well and knows that judgment is coming to all of them, including tiny Israel, for their sins against a loving yet righteous God. But, there is the sense that God longs to put his sword away for all of the judgment that must follow the acts of perpetual rebellion against him.


Here I am dragging my dear father into the story again. He’s in heaven now, but I would never have had a chance at heaven had it not been for him. In my day, my father had a belt to help me stay in line. I promise you he used it sparingly. Dad used his belt with a tear in his eyes. Today they would call him an abuser in his efforts to keep me out of my sins expected destination. He won, and so did I. But he never wanted to use what saved me. My heart’s motivation was to go the opposite way he was leading me. Thank God he won the day. Each of my sons loves their grandfather for NOT keeping his sword in its sheath. At the end of this chapter the weeping prophet said, “But how can the sword of the Lord be placed back into its sheath when God has commanded its use? That has always been the dilemma a loving father faces.


Dear Jesus,

They probably won’t forgive me for writing this post. But, just like my father was forced by the love in his heart to save me from sin’s destruction, I know that has always been your way as well. Thank you for coming to this planet to take the ultimate blow in order to erase our hopeless state. Amen

The post The Sword Of The Lord appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.