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The River Of God

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Psalm 46:4
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.


There was no river running through Jerusalem. But the writer talked about a spiritual and mental place of a peaceful retreat in describing this unknown river’s location. It was a place of spiritual renewal for the tired soul in which one could bask in the presence of God. Once that individual’s mind was redirected away from his or her own impossibilities and on to the personhood of God Almighty, no problem seemed that big. People who go to that place and experience “The River of God,” are happy when they do.


We are living in a day where real joy and happiness have escaped people’s personal daily emotional lifts. Much of life is a grind whether one lives in a third-world country or a thriving big-tech city. The mental and emotional, and physical grind will wear a person down, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they do. Unless, of course, they are able to discover “The River Of God.” It’s my “Happy Place,” to be honest with you. There are times in the course of my day where work, people, family, and the future all have a tendency to layer me down with care and thoughts of the impossible. But then I leave it all for a few minutes to reframe and find once again “The River Of God.” My happy place! My 10-minute reprieve. My meditation on the things he has promised me. My bright future. And all of a sudden, my day is renewed! Happiness and true joy have replaced the doldrums. If you’re down today, take a minute, close your eyes and say to the Lord, “I need to experience, ‘The River Of God.’” You will be glad you did.


Dear Jesus,

I’m so grateful this AM that long ago, I found “The River Of God.” Yes, some days are tougher than others, but I’ve never had a day where “The River of God,” wasn’t able to snap me back to happiness and joy. Amen

The post The River Of God appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.