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The God Of Reason

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Jonah 4:11

And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left-and also many animals?


These are the words of God Almighty to Jonah, his prophet. Jonah had rejected God’s directive to him to go to Nineveh and preach. Jonah didn’t like the people of Nineveh and so jumped on a boat headed in the other direction. A storm came up, and Jonah knew that if they didn’t throw him off the boat, the whole boat and the people in it would perish. They threw him in the water, and a whale took him in. You may have heard the story before. In the belly of the whale, he cried to God to save him and the whale earped him onto the beach. He then obeyed the Lord and went to Nineveh. The entire nation of Nineveh, including the king, repented before the Lord. Instead of destroying them, God kept them. That made Jonah mad. He went up on a little hill and sulked. He was upset that God hadn’t killed the people of Nineveh after they had repented. God then proved that he is “The God Of Reason.”


Can you imagine the God of the universe reasoning with a peanut prophet like Jonah? Here he is sulking like a little baby because God wouldn’t kill the people he had hated to begin with. But God does not deal in pettiness like Jonah was preferring. God was living out the words he spoke to Isaiah when he said, “Come now let us settle the matter, (reason together)” says the Lord.” Isaiah 1:18a. No matter how small your dilemma seems to be, don’t hesitate to bring it to the Lord. He’s big enough and great enough to handle the big things and the little things. He is “The God Of Reason.”


Dear Jesus,

Thank you that I am able to bring all of my needs to the altar. With your help, I’ll never get upset at you for not seeing my challenges my way. But at the same time, I will always bring my everything to your altar. You have proven that you are the God of your word. Amen


The post The God Of Reason appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.