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The Fear Of God vs The Fear Of Man

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Exodus 20:20
Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”


The Israelite people had just responded to Moses after he had received the commandments from the Lord on Mt. Sinai that they were afraid. Moses told them not to be afraid and that God was testing them to make sure that they feared God more than man. And, if they did, it would help to keep them from sinning. He was establishing the fact that running from sin really comes down to “The Fear Of God vs The Fear Of Man.”


In the final analysis for ISRAEL back then and US today, the truth is, the “Fear Of Man,” has almost always won out. Oh yes, there have been short instances in time when revival took over a nation, and for a while, the people lived in fear of the Lord. But those experiences have been few and far between. You may ask why? I’m not entirely sure, but I think it has to do with the fact that we can’t see God, while at the same time, man looks us in the face every day. Humans threaten us all. They dare us not to be like them. Peer pressure weighs us down, and all of a sudden, we sin. On the other hand, we do feel the tug of the Lord pulling us in his direction, yet because we can’t see him, we assume that’s not him tugging on us. Like I said at the top, sinning or not sinning comes down to who you fear. That’s right! It always comes down to “The Fear Of God vs The Fear Of Man?”


Dear Jesus,

In my heart, I fear the Lord. There have been so many temptations I’ve been able to shun through the years because of my fear of you. Because of my fear of God, you’ve always brought me through. Amen

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