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The Center of Attention

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Genesis 2:9b

In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


Happy New Year! The law was not yet given, but this passage became one of the reasons it was. In the middle of the Garden of Eden were two trees. They were constantly in Adam and Eve’s focus. In fact, those two trees were Adam and Eve’s “Center of Attention.”


Everything we do comes down to choices. Adam and Eve knew about the tree of life, but they couldn’t figure out the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Even though the Lord told them not to touch it, because it was “The Center of Their Attention” it was hard not to. In time they failed and the rest is history. Later the Lord commanded, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Whatever takes “The Center of Attention” in time becomes your God. Since it is a brand new year, why not go to the Lord this AM and hit the reset button, just in case. He needs to be “The Center of Attention” in your life again.


Dear Jesus,

On this first day of a brand new year, I’m in need of a house cleaning. Help me lay aside any “Thing” or any “One” that gets in the way of You being my “Center Of Attention.” Amen

The post The Center of Attention appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.

Greg Ward, Attorney

The Ward Law Group

The Ward Law Group was founded by attorneys Gregory Ward and Jany Martinez-Ward with a goal to contribute to the Hispanic community’s legal needs after suffering a car accident. Their passion shows in their work as they ensure that each case settles for the maximum compensation possible, and in supporting represented victims as they recover from physical injuries and financial losses.

As an experienced attorney who once represented insurance companies, Gregory Ward has a deep understanding of how they operate and what aspects can create or diminish the value of the cases he represents. This knowledge has led him to become a gifted negotiator and litigator defending the rights of his clients residing in the Miami Lakes, Miami, Orlando, and Kissimmee areas.