S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
2 Samuel 2:4
Then the men of Judah came to Hebron, and there they anointed David king over the tribe of Judah.
In this passage, we are told of David’s second anointing. This second anointing by the men of Judah at Hebron made him king over Judah. Then, in 2 Samuel 5, we are told that all the men of Israel came and anointed David king over Israel after his seven-year reign at Hebron as the King of Judah. He ruled all of Israel for 33 years. However, David’s first anointing took place in 1 Samuel 16 in his father, Jesse’s, house in Bethlehem. It was there that the God of all the ages had His prophet Samuel anoint David as the future king.
I want to impress upon you this AM about “The Anointing That Really Matters.” Think of David living in a cave known as Adullam. Think of him running for his life from King Saul. Think of him gathering men who were in debt, in distress, and discouraged who would join him and become a well-trained group of warriors under his leadership. Then think of him being anointed at Hebron by the men of Judah to be their king for more than seven years. Then think of the day all the tribes of Israel anointed David as the king over all of Israel. I believe that “The Anointing That Really Matters” is the anointing of the most high God. Once David knew as a teenager that he had the anointing of God, he was willing to go anywhere, do anything, and fight any enemy. He was grateful for man’s anointing, but what he knew in his heart was “The Anointing That Really Matters” is the one that comes from above.
Dear Jesus,
Your anointing is all I ask for. That’s the only anointing that really matters. Amen
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