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Thank God For Robyn

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.


The last chapter of Proverbs is known for the wiseman’s praise of the wife of noble character. Some say they are the words of Solomon, but I doubt it. After all, he had 700 wives, not counting his concubines. Certainly, God’s allowance of such a thing was not the same as God’s approval of this deed. But the actual chapter is accredited to King Lemuel. Though some say (King Lemuel) was Solomon, I would like to agree with other theologians who believe (King Lemuel) was King Hezekiah.


When I think of a woman who fears the Lord, I always think of my dear wife and say, “Thank God For Robyn.” Don’t get me wrong, she definitely has CHARM, and thank God she’s still BEAUTIFUL, but most of all, she is a woman who fears the Lord. How else could she have raised four Godly sons, three of whom pastor Churches they have planted? How could she have moved her family with me clear across the country at midlife and navigated such a change? How else could she still be living and preaching with the same fire she had as a much younger woman. My answer is; that Robyn is a WIFE OF NOBLE CHARACTER. And she truly fears the Lord. Once again, it causes me to say, “Thank God For Robyn.”


Dear Jesus,

I usually save these kind words for her birthday or for Mother’s Day, but this AM, I had to give my wonderful wife another special day. Thank you, Lord, that in your wisdom, you gave a young kid a break and gave him Robyn. “Thank God For Robyn.” Amen

The post Thank God For Robyn appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.