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Stay With Me!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


John 15:4
Remaining me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.


While Jesus was teaching his disciples, he likened their relationship to that of the vine and the branch. Just like the branch cannot bear fruit separate from the vine, Jesus said unless you remain in me and I in you, you cannot bear fruit. This indeed is the New Testament mission to respond to Jesus by remaining in him. If he looked you in the eye right now he’d probably say, “Stay With Me!”


Later Jesus said in this same chapter, “Apart from me you can do nothing!” What would the world look like if we, “Jesus Followers,” just remembered this line by Jesus and obeyed it? Seriously! Apart from me, you can do nothing. I can’t help but doubt that the average Christian truly believes that. The competition levels in the Christian world are anathema to God. The backbiting and gossiping between Christian people make me wonder at times if some Christians have ever picked up a bible before, much less even read one. “Don’t run to another thrill.” Jesus is saying. “Don’t look for the new when you haven’t yet studied the old.” Jesus is saying. You may be wondering, “So what is Jesus saying?” I’ll tell you what I believe he’s saying. He’s saying, “Stay With Me!”


Dear Jesus,

You are the vine, and I am the branch. I fully understand and believe that apart from you, I can do nothing. With all of my heart this AM, I will “Stay With You!” Amen

The post Stay With Me! appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.

Greg Ward, Attorney

The Ward Law Group

The Ward Law Group was founded by attorneys Gregory Ward and Jany Martinez-Ward with a goal to contribute to the Hispanic community’s legal needs after suffering a car accident. Their passion shows in their work as they ensure that each case settles for the maximum compensation possible, and in supporting represented victims as they recover from physical injuries and financial losses.

As an experienced attorney who once represented insurance companies, Gregory Ward has a deep understanding of how they operate and what aspects can create or diminish the value of the cases he represents. This knowledge has led him to become a gifted negotiator and litigator defending the rights of his clients residing in the Miami Lakes, Miami, Orlando, and Kissimmee areas.