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Pray First :: Day 1, Thanks Giving

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Jeremiah 29:7
Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.


The people of Judah had been exiled by God into Babylon, where they would stay for seventy years. Instead of crying about it, God told them through the prophet to “Seek For The Peace And Prosperity Of Your City,” because if it proposers, you too shall prosper.” He further told them to settle down and build houses, plant gardens, and eat what they produce. He told them to get married, have kids, and make sure their kids get married and have kids too. Most of all, increase in numbers do not decrease in numbers.


This was a great motivation for the people of God. The fact is they had strayed from the Lord for way too long and now God was judging them. But the prophet said, “Seek The Peace And Prosperity Of Your City.” Because if it prospers you too shall prosper. In other words, do your part to win wherever you are. This passage so applies to you and me today. We feel like exiles sometimes as Christians, living in a place that has forsaken the Lord. Yet we don’t give up our Christian faith, and we pray that our nation prospers and that we have peace even though our Christian values do not match those of the world we’re living in. The word today is, stop the complaining and crying and get on with your life. As you “Seek The Peace And Prosperity Of Your City,” in answering your prayer for others, God will also answer your prayer for YOU!


Dear Jesus,

I know today that my City and my nation has huge self-inflicted problems that they battle on a regular basis. Today I am seeking the peace and prosperity of my city. I believe that as you prosper my city, you will also prosper me. Amen