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People Are Looking For Jesus

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


John 6:24
Once the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum in search of Jesus.


Jesus and his disciples had finished their ministry on one part of the lake, and Jesus left by foot somewhat secretly. When the disciples saw he was gone, they got on their boat and headed to the other side of the lake. But then people who had been in the meeting saw that Jesus and his disciples had left; they themselves boarded boats and headed towards Capernaum searching for Jesus.


I can tell you the people really weren’t that concerned for Jesus’ disciples being gone. In fact, until Jesus had been crucified and risen from the dead and ascended into heaven and then the disciples were baptized in the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the disciples weren’t really that much of a help. Jesus was always correcting them and breaking up arguments, and in some cases, rebuking them. I’m saying that because people aren’t looking for you, “People Are Looking For Jesus.” Yes, you will be in demand everywhere you go if you’re full of Jesus, but otherwise, it’s best to remember that, after all, is said and done, “People Are Looking For Jesus.”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I’m reminded of the song we used to sing that just said, “People Need The Lord.” The enemy of our soul does everything he can to derail our attention away from you and onto something else that may seem appealing at that time, but in the end, it doesn’t satisfy. I need you. My family needs you. The church needs you. All my friends need you. Most of all, the whole world needs you. Amen

The post People Are Looking For Jesus appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.