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Our Unseen Guide

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Isaiah 30:21

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”


These words by Isaiah were probably taken from the shepherd’s field. The Shepherd would often follow the sheep as they grazed and speak directions to them so that they would be safe while eating. Like sheep, the Lord follows us as “Our Unseen Guide,” speaking words of direction to us when we least expect it.


How many times have you been in the “valley of decision” to coin a phrase, and you didn’t really know what path to take? I know I have had that happen to me more times than not. However, it has been in those times that I’ve often felt a presence in the room or wherever I am, and then a SENSE has come over me with the knowledge of what to do. I really believe that it has been the Lord giving me direction. It’s not that I wasn’t praying for direction. It’s just that I maybe wasn’t expecting such assurance at the moment. However, that’s the very way “Our Unseen Guide” directs us. He’s always there. Just call on Him.


Dear Jesus,

Even as I write this AM, I’m SENSING Your presence. I never get used to that. I’m always so humbled to know that You care for me in such a personal way. I’m yours again today, dear Lord. I ask that You lead me and guide me. I want to hear Your voice. Amen

The post Our Unseen Guide appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.