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Manasseh God Saved!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


2 Chronicles 33:15
He got rid of the foreign gods and removed the image from the temple of the Lord, as well as all the altars he had built on the temple hill and in Jerusalem; and he threw them out of the city.


Of all the Kings in the history of Judah, perhaps Manasseh was the worst. He ruled for 55 years, and he was a wretched man. He erected all the high places of worship to foreign gods like Baal and consulted with witches. He burned his children in the fire as human sacrifices to get gods that were made by the hands of men to hear him. God said, “I’m going to have you taken by the King of Assyria with a ring in your nose to be a captive in Babylon!” When this happened, Manasseh repented and begged God for mercy. So the Lord heard his cry. God had him returned to Jerusalem, where he literally operated as a truly righteous man of God. If this had happened in the book of Acts, we’d have to say that, “Manasseh Got Saved!”


The Old Testament shows the grace of God in ways that are simply remarkable. Most modern-day, as well as older theologians, agree that it’s likely that we’ll see Manasseh in heaven! The scripture tells us that Manasseh killed so many of his countrymen that the blood flowed from one end of Jerusalem to the other. (2 Kings 21:16) Yet, it appears that God forgave him, and in New Testament terminology, “Manasseh Got Saved!” Let me ask you a question this AM. What is it that you won’t forgive yourself for? I find that too often, God is more than willing to forgive us for our sins and failures, but we just won’t forgive ourselves. What is it that you could have possibly done that would keep God from forgiving you? Remember, if God forgave Manasseh, he could surely forgive you. Stop playing God over your sin and failure. Remember, “Manasseh Got Saved!”


Dear Jesus,

This AM, I’m excited. I’m excited because if you could forgive Manasseh, surely you will forgive me and my friend, who is reading this post today. There’s nothing too difficult for you. I’m grateful that there’s nothing that my God can’t do. Amen

The post Manasseh God Saved! appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.