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In That Day

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Amos 9:11
In that day I will restore David’s fallen shelter-I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins-and I will rebuild it as it used to be.


Here the prophet Amos talked in his day, about a day that was coming when God would completely restore his people Israel in their own land to the stature of what it once was. It was an amazing prophecy inasmuch as the place known as Israel had fallen years before and was in a complete mess. But that’s why Amos was a prophet. He was looking through God’s heavenly lens into the future and what he saw was something that he could not completely fathom. He certainly tried in the next few verses, but only you and I can truly comprehend what Amos was talking about when he began by saying, “In That Day!”


This text is referenced in the book of Acts and by our blessed Lord’s brother James. And those who refer to it, knew that Israel had not yet been restored like the days in which the Kings, David and Solomon led the nation. What I’m saying is that they knew it was something that was still in the future. Of course, after over 2000 years, Israel finally became its own nation in 1948! Those of us who have had the privilege of traveling to the Holy Land know that it is a beautiful place. We are also reminded that God keeps his promises. What promise has the Lord made to you? Perhaps it hasn’t happened to you yet. But let me remind you that “In That Day,” when it happens, you will be quick to say with me,” God keeps his promises.”


Dear Jesus,

I know you have made me a promise which I have not yet received. But I have never ceased to believe you will keep your promise. I also believe it will happen in my time. I’m waiting for “In That Day,” to happen to me. I know you keep your promises. Amen

The post In That Day appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.