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If You’re A True Christian

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Ephesians 5:21

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.


The Apostle Paul gave these words to the young church at Ephesus, which he had planted some years earlier. This admonition was no easier to follow then than it is today. Ephesus was a city of unusual business activity. The Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world, was erected there. And sin was rampant. So submitting to anyone except the law of the land was just as much a reach for them as it is for people today. St. Paul says, “Submit to one another If You’re A True Christian.”


Because of the misuse of the concept of submission by some Christian leaders, the word SUBMIT quickly raises red flags for many. I love the word YIELD instead. Yet either way, God has called all true believers to submit to one another “If You’re A True Christian.” It’s often hard for me to yield my way to your way if I don’t like your way. All of our ways seem right to us, but only God’s purposes will truly prevail. So instead of fighting for your, or my, positions, it’s best to submit to one another. When that happens, peace occurs, which means tensions ease, heart rates lower, stress levels drop, the soul rejoices and finds rest. Now, this is only true “If You’re A True Christian.”


Dear Jesus,

As I look forward to this new day, I do so with a yielded heart. I yield to You and my fellow believers with Your help! Amen

The post If You’re A True Christian appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.