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God’s Way Or Man’s Way?

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Acts 16:40

After Paul and Silas came out of the prison, they went to Lydia’s house, where they met with the brothers and sisters and encouraged them. Then they left.


Paul and Silas had been staying in the house of a wealthy woman named Lydia, in Philippi. During their stay, a young demon-possessed woman kept following the two men and saying, “These are men of God who are telling you how to be saved!” Finally, Paul turned on her one day and cast the demon out. The problem was that she made her slave owners a lot of money by fortune-telling. Her owners stirred up the crowd against Paul and Silas and had them beaten and thrown into jail. Once there, Paul and Silas began singing praises to God in the midnight hour while in stockades. God shook the place with an earthquake. The men were freed from their chains and the doors to the prison opened. The jailer woke up and saw what had happened and almost killed himself with a knife, but Paul said, “We’re all here! Don’t hurt yourself!” The jailer asked to be saved. Paul and Silas led him to Jesus and baptized the man and his family. The next morning the magistrate sent officers to release Paul and Silas, but Paul said, “We are Roman citizens. You beat us and put us in prison without a fair trial, and you want us to leave town quietly? No! You have them come and lead us out themselves.” When the leaders heard this, they were scared and did as the apostles directed. Once they were released, they went to Lydia’s house, met with the local Christians, and then they left town.


How will you obey man’s law? “God’s Way Or Man’s Way?”


Dear Jesus,

Help me do things Your way and not man’s way. No wonder Paul said, “Now thanks be unto God who always causes us to win!” Amen

The post God’s Way Or Man’s Way? appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.