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S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Acts 2:40
With many other words, he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”


These are the last words of St Peter’s transformational message on the Day of Pentecost. When he finished the last word, some three thousand people stepped forward to receive Christ as their personal Savior and the CHURCH was launched. Peter finished by saying that it was up to the people to save themselves from “This Corrupt Generation.” The King James Version of the Bible uses the word “Untoward.” To be honest, every generation has an element of corruption connected to it, but this word that was used in the King James, “UNTOWARD,” speaks especially to us today.


Another word for untoward could be “DIRECTIONLESS.” Why is it that this present generation is struggling so desperately for direction and purpose? I believe it has to do with a lack of personal devotion to the Lord. By that, I mean when a man or woman is totally abandoned to Jesus, they take better care of every aspect of their lives. They study and research diligently. They keep their bodies in condition. They make sure that their spiritual side is well nourished with the things of God. I recently heard a wonderful man of God say that his conclusion concerning this present generation is that they take way too much direction from their own thought life and what they personally think and promote on social media when the Lord himself said, My thoughts are not your thoughts. When all we have for guidance in this life is our own education and personal self-help tips, it leaves us “DIRECTIONLESS.” Only Jesus can be The Rock who can save us and give us a purpose for living.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for saving me many years ago and giving me a purpose for moving forward. Because of that, I’ve never had to wonder about where I was going. Amen

The post DIRECTIONLESS appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.