S. O. A. P.
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!
Ezekiel 10:18
Then the glory of the Lord departed from over the threshold of the temple and stopped above the cherubim.
This was the scene witnessed by Ezekiel of the glory of the Lord departing from the temple before the second destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. It’s “A Sad State Of Affairs,” that God allowed Ezekiel to behold as the glory of the Lord hovered over the angelic cherubim at the east door of the temple, just before the heavenly host departed. It’s as if the heavenly hosts looked over the temple one last time and maybe thought of, what might have been.
As a young boy I can remember my father praying in the churches that he pastored through the years, “Lord you are welcomed in this place. Please Lord take not thy Holy Spirit from us.” My dad never wanted to preach the Word alone. If the Spirit of the living God was not with him, he didn’t want to move forward personally. Those memories left an indelible impression upon my young heart and mind. Because of that, I have longed for the Lord’s presence, both in my daily life and in the church I’ve pastored and the ministry I’ve been blessed to serve in. I’m not the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the church I lead. But rather, I’m the CSL (Chief Servant Leader) of the church I serve. It’s God’s church. I don’t want to be there if He’s not.
Dear Jesus,
This AM, I want to echo my wonderful father’s continual prayer, “Take not thy Holy Spirit from me.” That’s my prayer today and every day. Jesus, I cannot live without you in my life. Amen
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