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Won’t He Do It!

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Acts 2:7-8

Utterly amazed, they asked: aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language?


This is the story of how 120 disciples of Jesus had waited in Jerusalem in the Upper Room to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, sent by Jesus as He promised He would. The entire room of people began speaking in other languages that they had never studied when it happened. Because it was the Jewish feast day of Pentecost, godly Jewish people from many nations had gathered, and they were all shocked that these unlearned Galileans were speaking their languages perfectly.


What I’m about to tell you has happened more than once in my life. I was probably twenty-one, and Robyn and I were living in Ft. Worth, Texas, and going to school while youth pastoring at the time. We had a janitor in our church who was studying at the great Southwestern Baptist Seminary to enhance his divine calling. Baptists, at that time, were wildly opposed to speaking in tongues or any of the other nine gifts of the Spirit, declaring that those gifts were only for the original Apostles. One night we had a Holy Spirit emphasis at our church, and hundreds of people were speaking in other languages. The young student from the seminary left his work and came and fell at the altar weeping, and then he began to speak in other tongues. When we asked him afterward what had happened, he said, “I heard one of the church members who I know, speaking in perfect New Testament Greek! I know he doesn’t know Greek, and I had to repent before the Lord, and instantly I began speaking in tongues!” I walked away and thought to myself, “Won’t He Do It!”


Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Thank You for this language that You have given me that I don’t even understand what I’m saying when I’m praying in tongues, but the victory that comes upon me when I do keeps me going. Amen

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Greg Ward, Attorney

The Ward Law Group

The Ward Law Group was founded by attorneys Gregory Ward and Jany Martinez-Ward with a goal to contribute to the Hispanic community’s legal needs after suffering a car accident. Their passion shows in their work as they ensure that each case settles for the maximum compensation possible, and in supporting represented victims as they recover from physical injuries and financial losses.

As an experienced attorney who once represented insurance companies, Gregory Ward has a deep understanding of how they operate and what aspects can create or diminish the value of the cases he represents. This knowledge has led him to become a gifted negotiator and litigator defending the rights of his clients residing in the Miami Lakes, Miami, Orlando, and Kissimmee areas.