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Yah, But

S. O. A. P.

Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional!


Luke 1:34

“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”


This is the story of the angel announcing to young Mary that she was blessed and highly favored. Then, the angel told her the Holy Spirit would come upon her and conceive the Son of God within her womb. He then said, “His name shall be called Jesus, and He will sit upon the throne of his father, David.” When the prophecy was finished, Mary had questions about how this would happen since she was a virgin. It was like she had just heard the greatest news in the history of humankind to date, but she responded by saying, “Yah, But,” and then the questions began.


No one in history had ever received such astounding and alarming news as Mary, the mother of Jesus, received that day. News that would change the course of history for all humankind. You can say what you want, but an Angel? Really? Then: you’re going to become pregnant by the Holy Spirit, whom you will not be able to see or touch. Then: God, in the form of a baby, will be born to poor little you, Mary. After the unbelievable declaration from the angel, Mary responds with, “Yah, but how is that going to happen when I’m a virgin?” Too often, I fear, we are more impressed with our questions to God than with His declarations to us! So often, God makes a wonderful declaration to you or me, and instead of thanking Him and glorying in His declaration (and remember God never lies), we’re just so quick to say, “Yah, but,” and then the crazy human peanut questions start. Today, with God’s help, I will glory in God’s declarations to me if I’m ever found worthy to receive one again.


Dear Jesus,

Thank You that You always speak blessing over me. You never speak curses over me. I don’t believe I’ve ever been thankful enough for Your loving declarations. Forgive me, Lord, and try me one more time. Amen

The post Yah, But appeared first on RICH WILKERSON.